Denise Skinner, RN,IBCLC
Anat Baniel® NeuroMovement® Practitioner
Azul Conscious Movement Teacher
Pregnant Pauses® Teacher

Hello, my name is Denise Skinner and I have been on a journey of self discovery and finding my niche for the past several years. I feel like I have found my true purpose and why I was put on this earth. To help individuals come home to their bodies, feel connected and help heal.
I have loved my work as a RN for more than 3 decades, being a lactation consultant for most of that time. In the past several years, I felt something was missing. After going through many difficult experiences and life challenges, I found myself on a journey of deep healing through multiple kinds of "embodiment" work.
I am excited to serve in a new and expanded way by working with both every "Body" while still including my skills and gifts working with mom's and babies helping them be the best they can be. I desire to serve all people facing disconnection, trauma and challenges in their everyday life and helping people come home to their body.
My quest to feel better and gain more vitality began an exploration of awareness through movement. My journey started as a conscious dance practitioner of Nia some 20+ years ago. I was introduced to Feldenkrais which is the origin of Anat Baniel Method. This helped me to reduce the habitual tensions in my body decreasing pain significantly. It has awakened parts of me that I didn’t know existed, helped me connect deeply to myself and live with more freedom in my body and awareness of how I move. I also became aware of how the "9 essentials" in the method are applicable to all areas of life, not just the way you move your body!
I then embarked on another conscious dance modality, called "Azul" which truly has been one of the things that "fills my cup", not only is it fun but a huge amount of "personal growth" comes from this work. At the same time, I have embarked on a long journey in how to meditate using active ancient healing methods using awareness and presence work. Together, I feel all these make the perfect holistic combination!
My deep desire is to help people be their best self! I help create the conditions for you to heal both physical and emotional pain. With my NeuroMovement work which helps significantly with pain, conscious dance training and subtle body awareness work, you can heal your emotional body and work through years of "trauma" quite effortlessly.
I would be honored to work with you!!

Embodiment Services
What is Embodiment?
"Being connected to one's body" or to "inhabit and live in our body". In Azul, embodiment is more about what being in our body facilitates in our understanding of who we are. Embodiment helps us reach our mind, body and heart and soul connection.
I am passionate about helping people connect to the amazing resource, which is their body. The benefits are so vast. In our society we are taught to listen to our minds, our "thinking" brains, which often bring only confusion, second guessing, and stories that are not for our highest good. I help you rediscover the important wisdom in your body that we may have forgotten.
With all of my work, I seek to slow you down to down-regulate your nervous system so you can feel your body movements. The invitation is to listen to what your body is saying and how you can release and heal the parts of you that cause pain both physically and emotionally.
There are 4 ways we can achieve this are:
​meditation/awareness work
conscious dance, and moving to music
group movement lessons
one on one hands on bodywork
Subtle body awareness work.
Learn to identify a wide variety of emotions which are often stuck energy that you may not be aware of.
We identify where they are in your body. Then move through that energy to help heal deep stuck energy and liberate your body. Our goals are to be free from self-sabotage and repeated patterns/triggers in your life. Learn to look inward, not outside for the help and healing you desire.
Somatic Embodiment Coaching.
With conscious dance/embodiment coaching we connect deeply to your body and how it moves to music in the vertical. Also, with NeuroMovement, I help you connect to your body through touch and movement on my table.
Learn to listen deeply to the music which can help you connect to your body
Connect to all parts of yourself, physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies
Learn how to express yourself through music and find your dance!
Let the blocks move through you
Find your center channel and re-ignite your life force energy and let it flow through you
Help with the purification of your field and live and embody your authentic self
In essence, this work teaches you to listen deeply to the wisdom within, awaken the heart thru movement, allow and open to release all that no longer serves you then move towards whatever you are being called towards.
One-on-One hands on awareness/bodywork.
(using the ABM "NeuroMovement" modality)
Through touch and movement, we connect with the nervous system and brain via the body to help heal from pain, neurological and physical trauma
Be free from habitual muscular contractions that cause pain
Increase your awareness of how you move
Learn how to move differently through communicating with the CEO of your body, the brain!
Baby Services
For: Babies of all ages and mothers in prenatal and postpartum period.
Lactation help, wide and varied help through all stages of lactation.
Baby clinics/Baby ABM Lessons:
Why needed:
-Help baby settle into their body with a very gentle them "come home to themselves"
-Babies with Increased tension in body, fussiness, digestive issues, torticollis and/or feeding issues.
Benefits: Increase in sense of ease and calm, less fussiness, better appetite, deeper sleep. Increase range of motion from any potential limitations from the birth process. In essence truly "recover" from birth, which can be quite hard on a baby's body!
I help babies be healthy and balanced in their body through one on one as well as group clinics/group classes.
Group Classes (Pregnancy pauses classes, Baby N Me classes, Breastfeeding support).
Online breastfeeding course to do at your leisure.(coming soon!)
Support groups (new parents groups, infant development, lactation based groups).

Change your life today
Get in touch with Denise
NeuroMovement Only:
Masonic Hall, Downtown
1101 N State St. Suite 201
Bellingham, WA